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What Do I Need to Know for My Move?

You found the perfect home and you are thrilled to start planning your move. It may seem like such an easy concept on paper, but the reality is, moving can be extremely stressful… especially if not managed properly.

Timeline - Do NOT wait until 10 days before your move to schedule your moving company. The Spring and Summer months are peak moving season, as kiddos are out of school. What does this mean? Lower availability and higher prices. Once you have a closing date, you should be looking to book services as soon as possible.

Purging - Make sure that you start going through your belongings as soon as you’re able. Look for things you haven’t worn in awhile, displayed in awhile or used in awhile. If you haven’t used it recently or frequently, it’s time to say goodbye. Try donating your gently used items to a local organization. This will always be better than throwing them away; you’ll be helping someone else.

Packing - Much like booking, you do not want to start packing last minute. As someone who has moved a lot (I wish that was an overstatement), you have more stuff than what you think you do. After you’ve gone through the purging process, start packing up your items that you do not foresee needing in the interim. Try to pack and protect your heaviest items in smaller boxes so they’re more manageable when loading and unloading. I’m a huge fan of vacuum seal bags for linens and clothing. Find a spot in your current residence to start piling your boxes up in. It will feel a little uncomfortable, but the end goal is so worth it.

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- Make sure that when you’re scheduling your moving services, you’re as transparent about what exactly needs to be moved as possible. This helps the moving companies provide you with an accurate quote and timeframe. This will make it so much more convenient when comparing moving companies and budgeting for the big day.

Take With You - It’s moving day! Take your valuables such as jewelry, watches, momentos, and house plants with you. Houseplants can get knocked over easily and in hotter states, they can part from this world quickly. Your personal valuables are so small, that they can get lost easily. Avoid the headache, and possible heartache, and just take those cherished items with you.

Pets - Some may say that having a friend or family member watch over your little furry loved one is suggested. This helps with keeping them out of the way and becoming stressed out. However, with my personal experience and having two furbabies, I noticed that their stress level declined when they could watch and experience the transition. I like to believe that they understood what was going on. Granted, not all furry friends handle things the same. Do what you think is best for your pets.

These are just some of the guidelines that I would recommend when looking at your upcoming move. It’s not a complete list, but hopefully it sheds some light on the process, gives you some takeaways and amps you up!


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